Alcatraz 2 in Ogden!
I’m doing some school visits with Deseret Book in Ogden, Utah today. I just found out that the signing they have planned for me this evening is open to the public, so any readers who are in the area...
View ArticleSurprise Release Party for Alcatraz Two!
The wonderful folks over at Barnes and Noble Orem have managed to get in a large case of copies of Alcatraz Versus the Scrivener’s Bones. I’m doing some school visits early this week in Orem, and had...
View ArticleTwo Interesting Notes
First off, I just wanted to confirm to people that Sam Weller’s WILL ship internationally for copies of Mistborn: The Hero of Ages purchased at their release party. So if you live overseas and want a...
View ArticleSeveral Updates
Sorry for the long time between updates! Touring always leaves me beat. So this post is probably going to be kind of long as I cover all of the things that need to be posted here. First off, ALCATRAZ...
View ArticleThe Town So Nice…
Just one more reminder! I’ll be signing tonight in New York City for the first time. Visiting the publisher today was awesome, and it was also nice to finally be able to stop by Scholastic and meet the...
View ArticleUpdates + ALCATRAZ ebooks in French
At the World Science Fiction Convention in Reno a couple of weeks ago, we recorded a few Writing Excuses podcast episodes. The first one features Patrick Rothfuss, and we discussed suspension of...
View ArticleALCATRAZ 2 Audiobook, Trailers + Updates
In the most recent Writing Excuses podcast episode, Howard, Mary, and I talk about writing the omniscient viewpoint. (Dan wasn’t there; he was off saving his son from ninjas or something like that.)...
View ArticleJune is Audiobook Month
Readers have been asking if my forthcoming novellas LEGION and THE EMPEROR’S SOUL will be released in audio versions. The answer is that they will be—we have deals made for these, but I’m not sure how...
View ArticleAlcatraz in the UK & Updates
ALCATRAZ VERSUS THE SHATTERED LENS has now been released in the UK (and presumably also in Australia and New Zealand). That means all four books are now out, and since they all came out this year, it...
View ArticleCalamity is Out!
The Calamity Release Party at the Orem Barnes & Noble is just a few hours from now. This is the final book of the Reckoners trilogy that began with Steelheart, and I’m looking forward to seeing...
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